Good afternoon everyone,

Luke 2:4 And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.

It is amazing to see the royal treatment that goes on in England with "the Prince and Kate" with all the attention and scrutiny of everything they do. But I do wonder if all that attention just stopped one day, and no one recognized them as royalty, and asked their names as they checked into a hotel in England, what response they would give?

Would they look at the clerk in amazment or disdain, feeling dishonored that someone did not recognize them as THE couple? I don’t know their character, but I do know that the more fame, money, education, talent, etc. you get, the more temptation you have to believe you are more blessed than others who may not have it.

This is why I found it amazing at the grace given to Mary, who is completely out of step with the way even Christians in the 21st century view being uniquely blessed. You would think she would demand, "give me a room at the inn, being that I am pregnant with the Son of God!"

But Mary understood that being uniquely blessed by God is never about what we think we deserve, but more about being content in Christ where God has you. She was contented to have Him in a manger, because there was no greater blessing than to have and eventually know the Son of God.

I know it’s a fight to be consistent in Him, but fight to see that He is worth being rested in.

In His Love, Ld