It is infuriating to see that the wicked prosper and the good suffer. Why is it that those who are striving to live for the honor of God suffer in silence and loneliness but those who have no care for God and only live for themselves are prosperous and become famous?
Where is the justice in this? How is life fair?
What about all those thousands of Filipinos who died last week due to a typhoon? They were poor, innocent peasants who live on $1 a day. Why doesn’t God strike the heart of porn industry in L.A., or drug cartels in Mexico, or communist leaders in N. Korea, etc? Why does God just look on to injustice of this world and seem to do nothing?
That’s what Psalm 10 is about. An excerpt: “His (wicked’s) ways prosper at all times; your judgment are on high, out of his sight; as for all his foes, he puffs at them. He says in his heart, ‘I shall not be moved; throughout all generation I shall not meet adversity.'” v. 5
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German martyr at the hands of Hitler, said that the book of psalms should be read from the perspective of Jesus Christ as the author. It is His cries toward His Father. David is simply a mouthpiece.
Imagine Jesus, as He was walking around Galilee and seeing so much injustice around Him as a poor peasant, crying out to the Father about the injustice of the world! We who live in the U.S. in the 21st century really have not known injustice. Unimaginable injustice was happening and Jesus Christ is crying out to His Father!
Christians, know that Jesus cries out within us when we are dealt unjustly. When your prayers are not answered, know that Jesus’ prayers were not answered either. When we are treated unfairly, know that Jesus was treated unfairly as well. When we are hated for our loving acts, know that Jesus was crucified by the very people He was trying to save.
It’s all about Him.