Christians should be among the happiest people – regardless of the circumstances!
Are you a Christian? Are you happy? No? Then, there is something wrong…. Not that that means you are not a Christian, but you are not enjoying the full blessing of God. If you are filled with the spirit of Jesus, then you can’t help but be happy. Jesus said, “… that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be full.” (John 15:11)
But this happiness is different from the world’s idea of happiness. World’s happiness comes from ever changing circumstances and therefore, will not last. However, Christian happiness comes from unchanging work of unchanging God. It comes not in spite of but THROUGH our troubles.
“In the world, you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.” (John 15:33)
So, troubles in our lives are simply a reminder that Jesus has overcome the world!!! And that’s the secret to Christian happiness!
When our car breaks down, that’s a reminder that Jesus has fixed all things.
When our marriage is in the rocks, that’s a reminder that Jesus is our bridegroom.
When we are financially struggling, that’s a reminder that Jesus is our treasure.
When we are sick, that’s a reminder that Jesus is our healer.
When we are laden with guilt over our sins, that’s a reminder that Jesus is our Savior!
When we are happy with our circumstances, that’s a reminder that there’s a greater source of happiness than that!
Dwell not on your problems. Dwell on Christ. Be happy! Choose happiness. Choose Jesus. Keep Him at the center.