Is Jesus the end goal of your life? This is such a typical question from a pastor, isn’t it? I mean, you already know that Jesus should be the end goal and you are already living your life trying to make Jesus the end goal.

But let’s make sure just in case…

Parents, would you rather have your children follow you or Jesus? (What if they said, “I love Jesus more than I love you?”)
Lovers, would you rather have your beloved love you or Jesus? (What if she dropped you because you are not maturing in Christ?)
Husbands and wives,would you rather have your spouse submit to you or to Jesus? (He decides to give tithe but won’t let you buy your purse…)

Our maturity is known by our preference of Jesus over ourselves. Our job in every situation is to recede into the background and have Jesus come to the foreground. This should be so in parenting, working, marriage, church, etc.

“‘Look, the lamb of God!’ When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus.” John 1:37

They were John’s disciples. And yet, when John pointed out Jesus to them, these disciples of John ditched John and followed Jesus instead! This may sound like they are breaking professional etiquette (territorial), but John knew his role. His role was not to have people follow him but Jesus. And this made John great. He knew his place. Jesus was to be preferred.

I don’t care if you don’t come to our church. I want you to come to Jesus though. And if you come to Jesus, you WILL be involved in His body – the church. Please, do it for your sake. Your eternal life depends on it!