How many sins have you committed yesterday that you weren’t aware of that would condemn you to eternal hell?

Of course we feel bad about the sins we know about. But what about the sins we weren’t aware of but were sins regardless? Our God is so holy that our tiniest sin would condemn us to hell. But the grace of God is such that it covers all of our known as well as unknown sins.

But do you realize the implications? That means that the sins we are so aware of in our lives, the sins that we believe easily will condemn us to hell, are also covered and erased by Christ’s atonement! Another way of saying this is, you are so much worse than the sins you remember committing. No matter how badly you are feeling about your sins, you are actually so much worse because you are only remembering a small fractions of all the sins you have committed. And this is just yesterday alone!

What this ends up doing is increase our appreciation for God’s grace. When the awareness of our sins increase, our awareness of God’s grace also increases.

“He saved others… but he can’t save himself!” Shouted the angry mob at Jesus on the cross. But the fact of the matter is He WON”T, not can’t, save Himself. He didn’t save Himself so that you and I would be saved….