I heard a great message on spiritual warfare by Timothy Keller today:

Satan has two strategies against us: 1. Temptation. 2. Accusation.

Temptation comes by way of hiding God’s holiness and over-emphasizing God’s love. Result is, “It’s OK if I do this. God will love me anyway. It’s no big deal!”

Accusation comes by way of hiding God’s love and over-emphasizing God’s holiness. Result is, “I’m such a sinner. I cannot do anything right! How can God forgive me?”

The way out of self-gratification (result of temptation) or self-condemnation (result of accusation) is the gospel. Jesus’ flesh had been ripped to pieces for my sins. He was cut off from the most precious relationship there is – between Him and the Father. My sins were so atrocious that God had to go to that extend to remove it. But He loved me so much that knowing how agonizing it would be for Him, He went through it anyway.

That’s upholding God’s holiness and love at the same time. And that is the way out of temptation and accusation.

If we are tempted or find ourselves accusing ourselves over the same thing over and over, it’s because the gospel has not become reality in our lives. We may know it intellectually, but it has not touched our soul or our heart.

Imagine this: Jesus is being accused of the sins YOU have committed! “Jesus, You have committed adultery! Jesus, You have abused your child! Jesus, You have shot your body with drugs! Jesus, You have abused your body with alcohol! Jesus, You have slandered your neighbor…”

Of course it wasn’t Jesus. It was us. But all our sins are put upon Him as if He had committed them!

Meditate on that until you heart is warmed. It will keep you from sin.