I admire unbelievers. I do not know how they handle life without God in their lives. Where do they find hope? In what do they find meaning? How do they keep themselves going day to day?
The older I get, the more I identify with Solomon’s statement: “There is nothing new under the Sun.” Even looking forward to something new gets old! No wonder young people think old people are jaded – because we are! =)
But God is even greater than our jadedness.
1 Pet. 1:13, “Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.”
I think the great thing about “the grace to be brought to us when Christ is revealed” is that it’s something that will never get old. On earth, no matter how great the experience, after some time, it gets old – marriage, children, a new job, a new look, a new gadget… But God is big enough in whom we will experience perpetual sense of wonder that will never leave us jaded.
Our souls can outgrow this world. But our souls can never outgrow God!