While getting my daughter ready for school, this thought came to me: The reason why Jesus came and lived 33 years as a human being is not to show us an example to follow, but to live the perfect life we should’ve lived so that his perfection would be credited to us!

I don’t know why that thought came to me while getting my daughter ready, but I’m glad it did. And that answers the question I had as to why Jesus didn’t come simply to die since that was His purpose. Why did He live here for 33 years before He died? Well, that question is now answered for me. He did it so that His perfect life would be ours through faith.

So, when I’m reading stuff like, ps. 18:23, “For I have kept the ways of the Lord; I have not done evil by turning from my God… I have been blameless before him and have kept myself from sin,” I don’t have to feel guilty for not measuring up to David. David was not talking about his life. We know he was an adulterer and a murderer. But David was talking about Jesus, who did live His life perfectly. And all those who put their faith in Jesus, it is as if we lived our lives as Jesus did.

I am perfect in God’s eyes. I am blameless. I am sinless. I am a saint. That is how God sees me since He sees the Son in me even though I am a sinner…

But this world makes me forget that. Mirrors make me forget who I am. Scales do also. The car I drive does, too. And empty seats on Sunday mornings…

Therefore, I must remind myself of who I am. Constantly. I must walk by faith and not by sight. I hope you do too!