Good morning everyone,

Job 1:21-And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” 22-In all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrong.

Job 2:9-Then his wife said to him, “Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die.”

It is very hard at times to put in perspective life when we lose or are threatened to lose people and things very near and dear to us. Mainly because those people or things brought significant value and definition to our lives. So I’ve experienced and understand the confusion that can come into your life when you do eventually lose precious people or things in your life.

But for life to continue on with the same depth of meaning and purpose there must be a shift in our mentality. That since those people or things are gone, then there must be a deeper reason and more precious purpose as to why I have what I have, and lose what I lose. I believe Job sums up not only the possibility of losing what we have, but also the reason we ever had it, God’s mercy! While Jobs wife believes that if God takes away what is precious to you He is worthy of being cursed!

To be like Job’s wife is to think we have earned our blessings by our goodness, “so God is worthy to be cursed because He has taken all my blessings even though I have been good”- that is the logic of an individual who doesn’t understand the gospel. Job’s wife cursed God because He allowed for all of their blessings to be taken.

So she was serving God for His blessings and protection from evil alone! Job served God because He knew Him and loved Him over what He gave Him. That is the only way you continue on worshipping when God “takes away”, because you realize God’s goal is to make us like His Son-(humbly faithful and desperately dependent to know that life is empty without a real relationship with God). Deep depression is inevitable if you define life by what you as your own god can control and keep. The hardest lesson I believe to learn is to love God while allowing Him to be God.

In His Love, Ld