What is it about us Americans and wanting to impact the world? Everything we do seems to be large scaled. Every organization and even every church wants to impact the world. But what about impacting just one individual? One person!

I identify with Francis Chan in his book, “The Forgotten God,” in which he said:

We’ve created a whole brand of churches that do not depend on the Spirit, a whole culture of Christians who are not disciples, a new group of “followers” who do not follow… Simply having a good speaker, a service that is short and engaging, a good venue, and whatever else we add to the mix does not make a “good” or “successful” church…. God is not interested in numbers. He cares most about the faithfulness, not the size, of His bride. He cares about whether people are lovers of Him.”

As we were leaving the bowling alley, Maryann who had just gotten on the shuttle waved for me to come on board, and she told me, “61 years old, and first time bowling! It was also my first time going to the retreat. And my first Easter Egg Hunt!”

What if we are judged in the end by how we have poured love into just one needy person? Not how we’ve changed the world…

“Whatever you did for one the least of these brothers of mine, you have done for me.” – Jesus Christ (Matt 25:40)