We cannot give to others what we do not have.

That is especially true when it comes to passing down our faith to the next generation.

We cannot expect our children to “get” what we ourselves have never experienced.

Ps. 145:4, “One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts.”

Yes, we will certainly pass down what God has done in the past, such as in the Bible, but how affirming would it be if we could pass down our own faith-story?

When our children are a little older and we are having a heart to heart to talk regarding faith, what stories from our lives could we tell them as good examples to follow rather than bad examples to avoid?

What risks have you taken for your faith?
What “rights” have you given up because of your faith?
What decisions were made specifically because of faith?

We CANNOT deceive our children… (They will see right through us! Scary!)

But our children are not the goal. Jesus is. Our children are beneficiaries when we follow Jesus.