Death focuses us.

I bet most of us, if we found out that we only have 30 days to live, our lives will dramatically change.

One way it will change is that we will only spend our time on what we believe truly matters.

The implication is that we will stop wasting our energy on useless things.

So, let me ask (I’m asking myself as well): If you knew you only had 30 days to live…
1. What would you NOT spend time doing that you are right now?
2. Who would you reconcile with that you are at odds with right now?
3. How would you apportion money that you have right now?
4. What conversations would you have with your loved ones you haven’t before?

Only a fool lives like he’s going to live forever. On this account, most of us are fools…

Ps. 90:12, “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

My prayer is that you will gain wisdom in the upcoming year. To do that, number your days.

So, let me give you a challenge. For the next 2 weeks, live like you are dying on 12/31.

Make every minute count. Work for the Lord. Say “I love you’s” lots. Spend time in worship. Encourage everyone around.

Who knows? Maybe the Lord will take us home in two weeks!