You are living somebody’s dream!

Have you considered that your life right now is something that someone in this world only dreams about?

A poor village kid in Cambodia hearing from his mother what life is like in the United States:
– How they (us) have fresh water running in their (our) houses.
– How they can keep food for weeks through the means of refrigerators.
– How they can take a hot shower any time.
– How their children are picked up and dropped off by buses for school…
– How some of them have houses for their cars (often much bigger than houses for people in Cambodia)

Can you imagine that kid thinking, “Only if I could live like that, I’d be happy forever!”

But do you know who else might envy us? Abraham. Moses. David. Daniel. All the great Old Testament giants of faith. Why?

Because we live on the other side of the revelation of the Son of God.

Ps. 80:16, “Your vine (Nation Israel) is cut down, it is burned with fire… Let your hand rest on the man at your right hand, the son of man you have raised up for yourself.”

They could only look forward to this Messiah to come in the future. But they had no idea that this Messiah would go to the cross and become the sacrificial Lamb!

How blessed are we to have this knowledge of what God did for us!

And how dreadful is the responsibility of living the the wealthiest nation in the world!

We WILL be judged more harshly…

Let us not live for ourselves.