“… With Our Mouths” (Stand-alone)


John 1:1-51 “… With Our Mouths.” (Stand-Alone on Being Witnesses) In 2007 I was on a plane from Beijing to Yanji, China ● I’m not the type to do this sort of thing o I normally get settle into my seat and grab a book or close my eyes when I am travelling alone o […]

The Glue the Binds Us Together (Stand-alone)


(John 17:8-16) The glue that binds us together (3/19/17 Standalone) ATTN: A riddle for you: What do you call it when Chinese, Japanese and Korean are in one room and they haven’t killed each other yet? It’s called Mr. Hong’s ELL Bible class! Many of you know that I teach what’s called ELL bible class […]

The Privilege to Glory and Our Response (Stand-alone)


Matthew 17:1-8- And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James, and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. 2 And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white as light. 3 And behold, there appeared to them Moses […]

Is Jesus Enough? (Galatians Series)


Is Jesus Enough? (2/26/17 Galatians Series: Galatians 5:1-6) ATTENTION: Quiz time! Which is true? 1) God alone saves us regardless of how we have lived our lives in the past. His choosing us has nothing to do with how hard we have tried to be good. 2) God looks around to see who would have […]

Love: Being Responsible for Our Load (Galatians Series)


Love: Being Responsible for Own Load (2/19/17 Galatians Series) ATTN: Do you think Sodom, which God destroyed in the Old Testament because it was so wicked, was worse than modern America? If you are unfamiliar, the Bible gives us an example of how wicked Sodom was in that  when the angels in the form of […]

Love: Bearing One Another’s Burdens (Galatians Series)


Bearing one another’s burdens (2/12/17 Galatians Series: Galatians 6:1-10) ATTN: In Puyallup, we had 9 inches of snow this week. On Monday evening I spent an hour shoveling snow in our driveway. Why did it take so long? First because I have no son to help me – the only time I wish I had […]

Love: The Motivation to Serve God and Others (Galatians Series)


Love:  Our motivation to serve God and each other (Stand-alone)  Introduction:  1 John 3:16-18–By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. 17 But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart […]

The Sanctity of Life (Stand-alone)


The Sanctity of Life (1/29/16 Stand-alone) ATTN: Today, I want to speak on the value of life. Last Sunday was the national Sanctity of life Sunday. And if you don’t know what that is, it is a day to remember the sacredness of life, especially the life inside the womb. It was started by Ronald […]

Praying for Help (1/22/17 Stand-alone)-PH


ATTN: As we are still starting out the year, this being only the 4th sunday of the year, and there are 48 left, I want us to focus on the main thing. Prayer. For Christians, prayer like breathing. It should be as natural as breathing and without it, we should feeling like suffocating. Unfortunately, many […]