When Jesus Visits His Temple… (The Book of John #12)


When Jesus visits His temple… Introduction: Disturbed for a reason -Many times God will have you go through “agitations” that are not really about you-but for you to receive from Him a “Word” for others to be encouraged (which goes beyond being a preacher) Proverbs 15:23-To make an apt answer is a joy to a […]

The First Sign (The Book of John #11)


The first sign (11/22/17 the Book of John #11) ATTN: It used to be that when I was a young man, at weddings, I would think of my own future wedding. But now that I’m older and I have two daughters, I put myself in the shoe of the father of the bride. I have […]

How to be More Thankful


How to be more Thankful (11/26/17 – Thanksgiving Message) ATTN: I hope you’ve had a great Thanksgiving. We will be having a thanksgiving feast shortly after service, but before that I wanted to share a short message. I try to make it my goal to work for your joy. 2 Cor. 1:24, “Not that we […]

The Making of Disciples (The Book of John #10)


The making of disciples (11/19/17 The Book of John #10) Last week, Pastor Eldie preached a great sermon about our identity being in Jesus and not in pedigree, our abilities, our achievements. John the Baptist had no problem pointing to Jesus and have even his own disciples follow after Jesus because he knew his purpose. […]

The Absolute Uniqueness of Jesus (The Book of John #8)


The Uniqueness of Jesus (11/5/17 The Book of John #8) ATTN: A mood swing is not just for teenagers Nor is it just for women. It happens to middle-aged men too. Let me tell you, several times throughout the week, I go through ups and downs of “God loves me”, “God loves me not,” “My […]

Living Like We Are Not Enough (The Book of John #7)


Living like we are not enough   Introduction:  Breaking through to God’s goodness Acts 14:1-4-Now at Iconium they entered together into the Jewish synagogue and spoke in such a way that a great number of both Jews and Greeks believed. 2 But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the […]

Fitting God into a Body (The Book of John #5)


Fitting God into a Body (10/15/17 The Book of John #5: John 1:14-18) ATTN: We human beings are different from animals. Animals are happy as long as their basic physical needs are met – food, water, and reproduction. But human beings need more than that. Food, clothes, and shelter are the 3 essentials of life, […]

Our Mission: Making Disciples


Our Mission: Making Disciples (9/10/17 Standalone) ATTENTION: Last Sunday, Ange shared her stirring testimony of growing up in a bi-racial home and I followed her, linking what she shared with what our church’s vision is. If you missed it, it’s on our website. Do listen to it as it spells out what our church is […]