Jesus As Above All (The Book of John #19)


Jesus as above all Introduction:  Participating with God, or  trying to watch from the sidelines John 3:30–He must increase, but I must decrease.” -John’s purpose was to convince his followers by foregoing whatever blocked a way for Jesus to be exalted in His ministry -Which makes us ask the question with our lives?-Are we living […]

He Must Increase; I Must Decrease (The Book of John #18)


He Must Increase; I Must Decrease (The Book of John #18) ATTN: As I watching the Winter Olympics NBC, one of the comments that a commentator made as the scene of hundreds of Korean women drummers beating on the drum in perfect unison, “This is a country that puts the emphasis on “We”, more than […]

Why Some Will Not Believe (The Book of John #17)


Why People Will Not Believe (2/11/18 The Book of John #17) ATTN: The 2018 Winter Olympics opened this Friday in Pyeong Chang, South Korea. I watched the opening ceremony on Friday and couldn’t help but marvel at the advancement that the country of my birth made in just last 40 years. When I was little, […]

Because God Love Us So Much…. (The Book of John #16)


Because God so loved the world… (2/4/18 The Book of John #16) ATTN: Pastor Eldie, last week preached about being led by the Spirit, rather than our tradition. So many of what we do and how we do things is because we have always done it that way. I’m going to be honest, so often, […]

The Leadership of the Spirit (The Book of John #15)


The Leadership of the Spirit   Introduction: Led by the Spirit to lead in the Spirit Romans 8:14–For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. Ex:  The Lord had me stay awake and really pray about an issue-it was the Spirit provoking me to act upon a situation -it […]

Born Again (The Book of John #14)


Born-Again (1/21/18 The Book of John #14) ATTN: In my 30 years of being a Christian, I’ve heard a lot of testimonies of how people got saved. Earlier in my life, I thought the greatest testimonies were those that were dramatic. Such as, “I came out of my mother’s womb cussing, and I sold drugs […]

Racial Reconciliation Message (Standalone)


MLK Sunday Message (1/14/18 Standalone) ATTN: Tomorrow is MLK Day and today is designated as the Racial Reconciliation Sunday. Let me confess to you that I’ve been in angst all this week. I didn’t know what it was. I’ve just been feeling this dread, anxiety, and even anger all this week as I’ve been giving […]

Striving Together for the Gospel (Standalone)


Striving Together for the Gospel (1/7/18 Standalone Sermon) ATTN: Happy New Year. As I get older, my new year’s resolutions get shorter and shorter each year. When I was younger, I used to list 5 or 6 resolutions on a piece of paper or a calendar – lose weight, read through the bible in one […]

A Christmas Message (Joint Service)


Christmas Joint Service 2017 (12/24/17) ATTN: I want to look at one verse and three words. And draw out three implications from those three words. The verse I want to look at is Luke 2:11, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” The […]

Jesus Doesn’t Believe in Us (The Book of John #13)


Jesus Doesn’t Believe in Us (12/17/17 The Book of John #13) ATTN: Hey, As One, I want you to know that God loves you and since He loves you, He believes in you. Even if you don’t believe in yourself, He believes in you. So, if you lack confidence, try and change to believe in […]