Sermons by Soong-Yol Hong

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When Your Family Betrays You (John #35)


What Unbelieving Looks Like (7/29/18 The book of John #35) ATTN: When I was a youth pastor, I had special insight into the lives of the respected deacons and even some pastors at the church I served that others didn’t. How? Their children would tell me all about how they really were at home. Public […]

The Story of Us (Joint Service)


The Story of Us (7/22/18 Joint Service) ATTN: My name is Pastor Hong, and I am the pastor of As One Community Church. So that you are not confused, there are two churches meeting in this building. The Trinity Baptist Church meets at 10:30 on Sunday here. If you like more of a traditional service […]

True Greatness (The Book of John #34)


True Greatness (7/8/18 The Book of John #34) ATTN: Who is great in your eyes?  Who in your mind is “legit?” What kind of person would you look at and think, “This is a great person. He is someone that I would follow!’ How do you assess greatness?            – Would you look at his accomplishments? […]

Graduation Charges (Michael & PH)

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Graduation speech (Michael Lundy – Youth Pastor) Congratulations to the graduating class of 2018.  You have completed a chapter in your lives that hopefully has prepared you in some ways to becoming contributing members of society. As a Church, hopefully we have to some degree, prepared you for the real world.  In all reality, this will […]

How Is Jesus Bread? (The Book of Life #30)


I am the bread of life (6/3/18 The Book of Life #30) ATTN:I experienced first hand the power of words last weekend. I was invited to a wedding of my former youth last Saturday. This time though, I didn’t have to officiate the wedding and was able to enjoy the wedding stress free. Now, as […]

Why We Don’t Believe (The Book of John #27)


Why We Don’t Believe (5/6/18 The Book of John #27) ATTN: Do you have a mission in life that is greater than yourself? Are you living for something/someone greater than yourself? Most of us, if we do not have such a mission, default to simply living for the self – get a good job, get […]

A Mother’s Prayer & God’s Answer (Standalone)


Hannah’s Prayer & God’s Answer (5/13/18 Standalone) ATTN: Happy Mother’s Day! I want to honor all mothers today whose tenacious love I know to be the closest thing to God’s love for us. I shudder to think where I would be if it weren’t for my mother’s mother, my grandmother, who, at the onset of […]

The Face of Prejudice (The Book of John #26)


The Face of Prejudice (4/29/18 The Book of John #26) ATTN: I’m sure like you, I was deeply hurt and disturbed by the recent event that took place in a Starbucks in Philadelphia. Two African-American young men, Rashon Nelson and Donte Robinson, were arrested by the police for refusing to leave the store when an […]