Posts by PH

8190 of 1122 items

How To Navigate Through Some Political Issues

by PH

How are we to feel about defunding the police and having a “CHOP” block set up in our cities? What about bad government leaders who act like a petulant child? I hope you have gone to the Bible to think through these things rather than simply siding with one side or the other. As Christians, we […]

Taking a Break from God?

by PH

You don’t take a break from God. That’s because God is the source of our rest. You don’t take a rest from rest!I’ve seen people who wanted to take a break from church. And usually, this means they take a break from God as well. By their logic, they want to be by themselves and […]

Feeling Dead…

by PH

I’ve had more human contact this week than I did in months (due to school training), but I feel emotionally dead inside. Perhaps it is due to my limited time with the Lord, or maybe it is due to the fact that these conversations have nothing to do with God…I realize that conversations that have […]

Do the Mundane Well

by PH

I spent so much time trying to find God’s will for my life in my younger years. The Bible doesn’t seem to give too much information on how to find God’s will for our lives. And I think there is a reason for it. When we think “God’s will for our lives”, we think in terms […]

Is It Always Wrong to Want Power?

by PH

Watching the Democratic Convention last night, my daughter asked, “Why would people in their last years of life run for president?” I thought that was very telling. Rather than assuming being the top dog as a good thing, she sees it as a burden and a responsibility. Why do people strive to get to the top […]

One Gift to Rule Them All

by PH

If you could have any talent you want, what would it be? Here are some that I wanted or even envied others had:  Being able to play the piano. In heaven, I will learn to play the piano. Just hearing the chortles of fingers dancing on the keyboard makes my heart sing!  Being able to […]

Do You Have Poor (or Rich) Friends?

by PH

Selfishness inside the church is a problem now and was a problem also in the 1st century. We are born selfish. That’s what it means to be a sinner. We were created for God – therefore God-centered – but sin made us become self-centered. And Christian discipleship is simply changing from self-centered to god-centered. Paul rebukes the […]

Should Christians Be Selfish Sometimes?

by PH

I’ve heard some Christians say, “Sometimes, we have to be selfish and take care of ourselves.” While I understand the intention, I do not agree with the premise. There is NO time that a Christian should be selfish. “Let no on seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor.” 1 Cor. 10:24And this means that […]

Our Response to COVID-19

by PH

In light of the COVID-19 outbreak and dictates of love and wisdom, we have decided to cancel our service this Sunday (3/15) and move it online. The worship team and I, Pastor Hong, will be at church to broadcast and record the service. (More info coming on this) But we advise everyone to stay home […]

Obeying Before Being Convinced

by PH

If you wait until you are convinced that what God told you to do is good for you, you will never do it. You will simply have to take the plunge and do it. Then, you will become convinced it will be good for you.We want understanding before we obey. But understanding comes only as […]