Posts by PH

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Blessing and Being Blessed

by PH

Be a blessing to others, so that you may be blessed. You’ve heard me say that many times. I pray that prayer when someone provides food or service for the good of the people. It is an absolutely biblical view, coming straight from the bible. “Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but […]

Do You Sing?

by PH

One of the great advantages of living near a big city like Seattle is that my wife and I can go and listen to the world class musicians perform their craft at places like Benaroya Hall. The last concert we went to was one of my favorites – Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No. 3. I counted […]

Why God Uses ‘Bad’ People

by PH

When I was a young, I was taught that God only uses clean vessels. In other words, if you want to be used by God, then you must live a clean life because God doesn’t use junk! And the implication is that if you are used by God, then that meant that you are a […]

Why God Commands What We Cannot Do

by PH

I don’t know why this never dawn on me until recently – I guess I’m very slow – but I’m beginning to see that God commands us to do things He KNOWS we cannot do so that we will stop relying on ourselves but rely on Him! For example, loving God with all our heart, […]

Feeling Miserable? Consider North Korea…

by PH

I watched a powerful documentary online yesterday. It was about doctors and aid-workers who go into North Korean to identify and treat Multi-Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) patients. Without the treatment, these patients will slowly waste away and eventually die within a couple years. I saw a tall and handsome young man who only weighed 95 lbs […]

Our Calloused Hearts

by PH

As I read the psalms written by David, I am struck by how much delight David seemed to be having in the law. He says phrases like, “I love your law,” “I delight in your law,” “I meditate on it day and night,” “How perfect is your law!” I’ve read the same law that he […]

How To Be Favored By God

by PH

As a teacher, I have to admit that there are students that I “favor.” I know we are not supposed to favor anyone above others, but can we help it if we happen to like certain students because of their personality and traits? Of course we are not supposed to show “favoritism” as in, treat […]

When God Seems Cruel…

by PH

If we don’t remind ourselves that God is much more compassionate and loving than we are, we will misunderstand God. For example, we might question God’s method of wiping out a people group in the Old Testament. He gave orders so that not only fighting men would be wiped out, but their wives and even […]

If No Heaven, Are We Wasting Our Lives?

by PH

Would Christian way of life still be worth it if there was no heaven or hell? If this life was all there is, should we still try to live the Christian life since it would bring us greater happiness and joy than not? I used to say the answer is “Yes.” Even if there was no […]

When Told Not to Do Something…

by PH

I don’t know what it is about us human beings. The more we are told we can’t do something, the more we try to do it. One of the best ways to “motivate” someone is to tell him, “You can’t do this!” How many stories have we heard of someone who overcame negativities and achieved […]