Posts by PH

151160 of 1122 items

God’s Fury

by PH

Some of the most atrocious things that happened in history are a sign that God will one day judge the world. The Holocaust is an example of what God will do to those who reject Him. Please don’t hear me as saying that God is against a particular nation or a people group. (I am […]

Lonely Being Christian…

by PH

It is sometimes lonely to be Christian. There aren’t many walking with you. And even those who used to walk with you are no longer. At times, a thought comes, “Am I in this alone? Why should I keep going when no one else is?” I do find consolation in the fact that the Bible […]

Love On the Ski Slope

by PH

Young adults and youth went skiing/snowboarding yesterday. I asked some young adults to help with the youths who were first-timers. I knew how difficult that would be since they had to stay behind with the beginners and not be able to enjoy the mountain like you want to. And yet, they stayed with the youths […]

A God Who Delights to Forgive

by PH

God delights to forgive you of your sins! Have you thought of it that way? I knew God forgives sins but I used to think He did it begrudgingly while rolling His eyes. “That again? How many times do I have to forgive you of that same sin? But my Son did die for you, […]

If You Are On Social Media…

by PH

Please compare yourself to others! I know that sounds like a contradiction to everything I’ve been saying. I’ve decried the evils of social media and how it stirs up envy and jealousy more than once. So, why am I now saying that we should compare ourselves to others? Because that’s what the Bible tells us […]

How to Love Life and See Good Days

by PH

Do you want to love your life and see good days? I know I do! When suffering comes, I will take it in stride, but I would not ask for it on purpose. Rather, I want to love life and see good days. Here’s how: Speak the truth. Turn from evil. Do good. Pursue peace. […]

A Rainbow to Remember

by PH

What do you think of whenever you see a rainbow in the sky? There was a rainbow out yesterday, although a faint one. It happens quite often where we live because of the rain and the sun coming out at the same time. It’s a reminder of God’s mercy and grace. I’ve seen for the […]

Being Exhausted Keeping Up?

by PH

How many things have you acquired in order to keep up with your friends? If you are honest, you will have to admit that most, if not all of it, is to have what others have. You upgraded your phone because you saw your friends upgrade theirs. You bought that car because you saw your […]

How We Can be Unbalanced

by PH

One of the most time consuming lessons to learn is, “There is always the other side to the story.” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard only one side of the story to jump on the bandwagon until I’ve heard the other side and knew that I made a mistake. Now, I hold […]

Steady and Slow (Not Fast and Furious!)

by PH

As you are making the new year’s resolutions, think marathon and not a 100 meter dash. The race of life is not about how fast but about how steady. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and […]