Posts by PH

141150 of 1122 items

Keeping Up with the Joneses, the Kims, the Edwards’, the Millers…

by PH

As technology advances, so does sin. I like technology. I majored in Electrical Engineering. I use technology everyday. I’m using technology to deliver this devotional to you. However, it can also be a vehicle for evil to pass down and accelerate the proliferation of sin as well. Take envy for example. Before the internet days, […]

Are We Eating Our Children?

by PH

One of the most memorable quotes I heard at the recent pastor’s conference was: “A pastor who is not content in God will feed on his sheep rather than feed his sheep.” I know exactly what that means. When I don’t find my satisfaction in God alone, I tend to look to my congregation for my self-worth, […]

Food, Art, & Books

by PH

What we are tempted by promises physical, esthetical, and intellectual fulfillment, but ultimately disappoints. When I first got my Macbook laptop computer 5 year ago, I saved up a whole year for it. I read every review and even went to the Apple Store to test it out. After lusting after it for over a […]

Slums of the Grammys

by PH

I watched the Grammys last night until I could no longer take it. It wasn’t so much of the vileness and filth (Yes, that too), but boredom and meaninglessness of it all that I couldn’t take any more. It was like staring at a sewer water flowing through for an hour… What I saw was […]

If Jesus Came Back Today…

by PH

When I first became a Christian, I thought Jesus was going to come back while I was still young. Now, I’m not sure if He will come back at all in my life time. But I know one thing for sure. I will see Him one way or another soon. It may still be that […]

Joy and Sorrow At the Same Time

by PH

Do you have joy in the midst of your sorrow? Only Christians can have that. The worldly can have sorrow in the midst of their joy. But they can never have joy in the midst of their sorrow. How so? Imagine a group of unbelieving people enjoying watching football together at a restaurant. There is […]

Are You Sliding and Not Know It?

by PH

I’m enjoying an unexpected day off from school due to snow! The world is covered in white, and it reminds that one day we will be as white as snow as far as our sins are concerned. But only if we will keep our faith to the end and resist the world and sin. In […]

When You See People, What Do You See?

by PH

When you look at the people around you, what do you see? Do you see them in terms of whether they would benefit you or not? Do you see them as nuisance or annoyance? Or do you see them as sinners who are perishing? How you feel about them says much about your spirituality. It […]

I Love Our Church!!

by PH

Hello from Minneapolis again! We are done with the conference and I’m sitting on a bench in Minneapolis Airport writing this devotional. Thank you for praying for us. We have survived the -27 degree arctic weather and on our way home. There were over 2,000 pastors at this conference. Many excellent speakers and seminar leaders […]

Hello from Minnesota!

by PH

Hello from Minneapolis! Pastor Eldie and I got here late last night for the pastor’s conference. Yes, it was freezing, and it’s supposed to get even colder tonight (in the negatives!). As we were driving in our rental car into the twin cities, I faintly remember the skyline from years ago when I used to […]