Posts by PH

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When I Get Tired of This Life…

by PH

There is no teaching that refreshes you like the doctrine of grace. No other religion has it. And it has the power to refresh you every time you hear of it even though you heard it a thousand times. It is because it is unlike everything else in this world. In this world, our value comes […]

The Evil That Is Us!

by PH

In these times of relative peace and civility (at least in America), we seriously underestimate the evil that is us. We really don’t think we are that bad. After all, we haven’t murdered anyone or swindled large sum of money. There are people far worse than us. And when it comes down to it, we don’t […]

Do You Remember High School Final Week?

by PH

When I was in high school, the week of final exam time at the end of the year seemed to last forever. I distinctly remember telling myself to just persevere through it because in just a week, the summer break is coming! Now that it’s been over 30 year since I was in high school, I […]

Youtube and Joy?

by PH

Last night, I found myself listening, on Youtube, to some old Korean music I used to listen to. Boy, talk about nostalgia! I haven’t listened to these music in years, and they have awakened in me memories that have been buried for years.I became rather emotional and found myself yearning for the “good ole’ days.” Only if […]

Being Mat at God for the Blessing?!!

by PH

Have you ever gotten mad at God because you are so blessed? I know that question sounds weird. Why would I ever get mad at God when I feel blessed by Him? Perhaps the word, “mad,” is not quite right. But have you ever thought that it is unfair of God to have blessed you so […]

Why God Lets You Fail

by PH

Just because you have failed miserably at something the first time does not mean that you are not called to it. God may have let you fail, so that you may rely on Him rather than on yourself. Moses’s story is retold in the book of Acts through Stephen. He says that Moses wanted to rescue his […]

How To Be Bold and Confident

by PH

One of the reasons why I can believe that Jesus rose from the dead is the way the disciples suddenly changed. If you read the early chapters of Acts, you see the disciples who are very different from just a few weeks ago. You see people who are not afraid at all of anything! Even when […]

Desert Before Paradise

by PH

We have to walk through a desert on the way to the paradise. Before it gets better, it may get worse. That is the way God designed it. When the Israelites were rescued out of their slavery in Egypt, they had to walk through the desert to get to the promised land. And it was not […]

Are You Happy Where You Are?

by PH

All sins trace back to this one root: God is not enough.  When I am tempted to sin is when I’m not satisfied with my current circumstances. A silly example, but I was pretty stressed out yesterday. To relieve some of the stress, I grabbed my daughter’s Nintendo Switch and started playing Galaga. It’s an […]

Fighting Your Body!

by PH

Do you get the sense that this life can’t be all there is? Somehow, you know deep down, there has to be more to life than this? And we should be freer? (Although we live in the freest country in the world!) For example, I feel limited by my body. I don’t mean that I have […]