Are we supposed to keep the laws, such as the 10 commandments, as Christians? Since we are saved by faith in God’s grace, then what becomes of keeping the laws? Are they obsolete and we can ignore them? Or maybe some laws we should keep but not others? Another way of putting this is, “Are we supposed to be concerned about living a moral life as Christians?” There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding this….

Let me put it this way. The Laws are not given to us so that by keeping them, we get accepted by the Father. But rather, when we are accepted by the Father, our hearts will change and we will want to keep the laws because we see that they are given for our own good. One good gauge that will tell us where our heart is regarding God is to ask ourselves how we feel about the laws: Do we see the laws as restricting our freedom or do we see them as preserving our freedom?

A rebellious teenager will see even good house rules as restricting and binding.
But a son who understands will see good house rules as providing protection and preserving freedom.

This is why Jesus said, “”Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. Matt 5:17

Christianity is not about changing our behaviors. It’s about a heart change. It’s about coming to love God’s laws because in them we see God’s character and love for us. (After all, isn’t that why we the parents give our children rules so that it may go well for them?)

How do you feel about God’s laws? How mature are you?