If God is so great and so satisfying, then why are so many people looking for satisfaction elsewhere?

That is a question I’ve been pondering upon for a while now. As I look around myself, I see worshipers everywhere. As a matter of fact, every person on earth is a worshiper.

Many worship football – why else would grown men jump up and down in excitement and bear hug each other?
Many worship physical beauty – how many different diets are out there?
Many worship money – “It’s the economy, stupid!” Obama or Romney? Comes down to who can put more money in our pockets.
Many worship reputation – It’s why many Asians are so highly educated.
Many worship comfort – Our favorite and most often uttered prayer: “Lord, PROTECT us!”

However, these things – money, reputation, comfort, beauty – make poor gods. They are shallow wells that quickly become empty. They bring us instant gratification but no long term satisfaction. However, many people I’m afraid never get to the point of realizing that they are essentially empty wells. Why? Because they go from well to well consuming them until they become empty only to move on to another shallow well. Our only hope sadly is that perhaps the next well will finally quench our thirst.

How many people do we know who move from relationship to relationship?
How many people do we know who move from job to job?
How many people do we know who move from church to church?

“My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own wells, broken wells that cannot hold water.” Jer. 2:13

Principle: That which is ultimately satisfying will not seem so in the beginning. Which means even God won’t seem like He can satisfy us in the beginning.

G. K. Chesterton said, “Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and un-tried.” This means, if you haven’t found God satisfying, it’s because you haven’t tried hard enough yet.

Do not give up seeking after God. You might be an inch away from tapping into the spring of living water!!!