Matthew 6:21-23-For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light,  23 but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!
Have you ever in hindsight not realize how much you were holding tightly onto something/someone and then at some point it gets revealed to you?  It is an indication of how blind we were to what we are treasuring.  That it is very easy to shift our focus, and heart begin to treasure what we’re focusing on…
That is the point Jesus is making regarding our eye/focus, and what we focus on can unknowingly consume our heart to the point it becomes our treasure.  If you read in the news this week regarding some famous parents in L.A., and the college tuition scandal of bribing colleges in order to have their children admitted, we know there are no bounds to what we are willing to do for what we treasure!
Surely those parents would defend themselves in really wanting the “best” for their children, but Jesus would point out the extent in which an “unhealthy” eye, and a heart that treasures anything other than Him will do whatever it takes, even pay millions to unfairly be enrolled!
But of course we cannot be judgmental because that would assume we know exactly what we are treasuring.  Though we maybe confident in our love for God and a focus on His Kingdom, so was the church of Laodicea!  Until the Light of Christ had to show them how healthy they really were.  So we too should walk with humility when it comes to being completely sure of our focus and spiritual health. (1 Corinthians 4:3-5, Revelation 3:15-18)
Yet I believe we can be confident of our relationship being healthy, if we are focusing on the Lord, by seeking Him daily in His Word, and praying without ceasing.  These things help us bring our focus before Him, allowing the Holy Spirit to convict, rebuke, encourage, and forgive us, that our hearts can rest in Him.  To prioritize Him as our treasure, and cut off the great and dark lengths we go in our minds and hearts in pursuing other treasures…(1 John 3:19-21)
In His Love, Ld