The visible world is a parable of the bigger and better invisible world.
A parable is a physical and familiar device used to describe the spiritual reality which is currently invisible to us. Jesus used these “parables” often. For example, the parable of the prodigal son which describes the father-heart of God.
However, I believe this whole physical world is a copy and a parable of the spiritual world. A mother’s love for her child is a copy of God’s for His children. The beauty of nature is a copy of the beauty of God’s kingdom in heaven. A way of a young man with a lass is a copy of the pursuit that Christ makes with His bride, the church. The ecstasy of physical consummation is a copy of our union with Christ in heaven. The familiar plot of stories – introduction, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution – is a copy of God’s grand story with mankind – creation, fall, redemption, restoration.
Do you see it? God created this world so that we may see Him through it!
And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Acts 17:26-27
Your desire for security is really a desire to be under God’s protection.
Your desire for love is really a desire for God’s eternal love.
Your desire for rest is really a desire to enter into the permanent rest in God.
Your desire for success is really a desire to make God’s name great.
Your desire for approval is really a desire to be validated and commended by God.
All these desires become sinful when they terminate with us rather than with God.
Your desire for children becomes sinful when it is disconnected from God. That’s why even a “good” thing by the world’s standard is a sinful thing since it’s not connected to God.
Would you give worship unto God THROUGH everything you do? The reminders are everywhere of the goodness of God!