If you don’t know what to pray for, pray for these:

1. Teach me your ways.

2. Give me understanding.

3. Lead me in your path.

4. Incline my heart to you.

5. Turn my eyes from evil.

6. Confirm your promise.

7. Turn away my faults.

8. Give me life!

These are the prayers that King David prayed in Psalm 119:33-40. No wonder he was called the “man after God’s own heart.” His prayers were God-focused. His entire being was geared toward knowing God and the benefits that come from it.

David is a smart man. What he wanted was the highest good. He wouldn’t settle for mere money, position, women, or reputation. What is better than God? If we had any pleasure in this world, isn’t God the creator of that pleasure? So, rather than wanting the pleasure itself, he wanted the source of that pleasure. That is very sensible.

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.” – Jim Elliot

David knew this very well.

Christianity is not about giving up. Christianity is about gaining. It’s giving up the lesser in order to gain the greater.

Lose this world. Gain God.