1 Samuel 13:12I said, ‘Now the Philistines will come down against me at Gilgal, and I have not sought the favor of the Lord.’ So I forced myself, and offered the burnt offering.” 
Many times it is our own human nature that can leave us conflicted.  The desire to protect ourselves from harm is instinctive and necessary.  Psychologist like to call it the “fight or flight” response to threat.  We all have it, but it can really wreak havoc to fight our instinctive nature, when God calls us to have faith in Him instead…
King Saul, the newly appointed King of Israel was given a direct command from the prophet Samuel, to make sure he waited on the prophet coming to him.  But Saul, seeing the people scatter from him, as the threat from the enemy ensued, decided to preserve himself and disobey the command…(1 Samuel 10:8, 13:8-11)
The prophet Samuel would then declare that God has rejected him as King, and “sought a man after His own heart” of course that being King David eventually.  It seems harsh that one decision like that would change the fate of an individual.  But God knew that a man who would preserve himself over obedience to God, would derail His people…(1 Samuel 13:14)
The excuse of “taking care of ourselves first” is purely natural, with no faith at all.  Yet that is the reality of our souls without obedience to God.  That we live in fear and unbelief that God will “show up on time”, to preserve us if we live to obey Him, essentially putting Him first.  Remember our own natural instincts are still fallen and sinful, so we must fight to have our minds renewed to trust God knows what is best, and that we do not.
In His Love, Ld