Are you feeling the post-holiday blues? I know I am…

On my drive to school this morning, I couldn’t believe it was already Monday. Even when I got there, I didn’t want to do anything! And the teacher  next door to me, which is Spanish, felt the same. She was making Mexican popcorn and hot chocolate with her students. I wish I thought of that… Since I didn’t want to and my students certainly didn’t want to, we just sang some praise songs and watched music video of those songs on Youtube!

You’d think after 6 days of break, I’d be ready to jump back in and engage, but I was anything but. We human beings are so moody. Several times a week or even several times a day, we experience these emotional rollercoasters where we go from “I love my life!” to “I want to die!”

Aren’t you glad that God is not like that? He is faithful, and He won’t quit on us. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. His love endures forever. There are parts where God is like me (or I’m like God more correctly) but there are parts where God is definitely NOT like me. Being constant and consistent in His love and care for us is one. He never slumbers and He watches over us vigilantly.

This means we can trust Him and tell Him our shortcomings. He is never frustrated with us. There is never a bad time to tell Him something. Unlike our spouses or friends, we don’t have to wait until He is in a good mood to tell Him something. Or even confess our shortcomings for the 1,000the time.

If you are too tired to pray or read the Bible, just sigh out loud, “Lord, help!”

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Ps 46:1