I was having a conversation with a young lady yesterday and she reminded me that no matter where we are in life, we can be restless. She is single and has been living in the New York City for the last 4 years. She has met some dignitaries and traveled to exotic places through her work. She’s surrounded by high-achieving young people like herself and enjoying all that glitz and glamor that the most famous of cities had to offer.

But she shared with me that she feels so restless and discontent. So I pointed out to her that if you can’t be content as a single person living your dream in New York City, then where can you find your contentment?

All of us, I mean all of us, can think of a better life than the one we are living. No matter how good we have it, we can always imagine that it can be better. And often times, we pity ourselves and envy others who seem to have it better than us. Don’t our “sighs” betray our discontentment?

How hard it is to be content where we are! No wonder the Apostle Paul said that he has “learned” to be content (Phil. 4:12). I don’t doubt that it took a life time for him to learn to be content in whatever the circumstances. Because I certainly haven’t achieved it!

“Then he [Jesus] broke the bread and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowd. And they all ate and were satisfied.” Mattew 14:19-20.

Jesus is the Bread of life. When we have Him, we have everything. When we don’t have Him but we have the world, we have nothing! But how difficult it truly is for that theology to be absorbed into our heart so that our heart feels it!

Pray for me as I will pray for you that Jesus will be enough!