Would you rather have a feast as the last meal before execution or a meager meal at your home with your family?

How foolish would it be to envy that man on death row having his last meal just because it happens to be a feast? And yet, why do so many Christians want to be like that man? (Who hadn’t daydreamed about hitting the lottery and all the ways we would spend that money!)

I’m guessing the reason is because we don’t really believe. We doubt whether heaven and hell really exist. And if they do exist, then we doubt whether they are really as good or as bad as we are taught them to be.

During WWII, as many U.S. young men were enlisting to go to war against the Nazis, they joked with one another about how the U.S. government was blowing it out of proportion for propaganda sake what the Nazis were doing to the Jews. It couldn’t possibly be true all the evil things that were happening! It was just propaganda to enlist more U.S. soldiers and only those foolish enough to believe the stories would willingly enlist. So they thought…

But the reality was much much worse. They saw with their own eyes unimaginable things they didn’t think human beings could do to other human beings.

What if heaven is really real?

What if hell is really real?

If you are going to heaven, then why are you envying those who are going to hell no matter what they seem to be having as their last meal?

“The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all law-breakers, 42and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 43Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.” (Matt 13:40-43)