Matthew 10:24-“A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. 

Though I am 37, it wasn’t too long ago that “experience” in life ruled the spirit of our culture.  That growing up through the 80’s and even the early 90’s there was a sense of respect for people who had experienced life.  Generally older people I remember treated us like students, though they were far from having a teaching degree!  But even though they didn’t have professional credentials, as a young boy my friends and I didn’t dare try and teach them anything (at least in their face)!

These days are of course different.  With the booming technological age we are in, mostly being generated by young businessmen and funded by a younger generation, it seems that experience has little to do with influence these days.  The younger generation now influences the old, and becoming older now means becoming irrelevant to much of the mainstream, especially the younger people.

Of course this doesn’t mean everything is all bad because the older can learn from the younger.  But what happens to being teachable in things that really matter in the long run? What can a young person who now has the influence of a culture, teach someone who has had the experience of life and it’s trials?

Now ask yourself what is your disposition before God?  Do you sit before Christ as a master who is trying to tell Him by your actions, that what is relevant today is the most important thing to grab onto?  Or do you “sit” before Him as student/disciple, trying to learn from Him what is True Life in Christ?  Sadly it this spirit of being above our Master, that picks and chooses what we want to hear from God.  Similar to some young people who think experience and wisdom are only relevant if it serves what they want.

In His Love, Ld