How do you honestly feel about worshiping God ALL the time?

If heaven, as they say, is a place where we will worship God nonstop, what emotions does that bring to you?

Exhilaration? Excitement? or Dread?

If it’s one of dread, it’s because we have a wrong conception of worship.

– When you were in love, how did you make you feel to talk about your lover?
– When your child does something great, how does it make you feel about him/her being praised by others?
– When you experience something great – a great trip, a great game – how does it make you feel to share it with someone just as excited?
– When you have done a good job and you know you nailed it, how does it make you feel to share it with someone who understands?
– When you see something sublime (lofty) such as a great mountain or a beautiful vista, how does it make you feel to share that experience with someone who appreciates just as much?

Those emotions are but a shadow of emotions we will have when we worship God truly in heaven!

God is the culmination of all that is exciting, beautiful, lovely, sublime, wondrous. Our greatest experiences, no matter how great, are but a shadow in comparison!

Ps. 84:10, “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.”

Have you experienced that God? At least for a moment? No? Then, you will just have to extrapolate your greatest experience and multiply it by a hundred to know what it’s like to experience God.

Cheer up, Christians! Better days are coming! Don’t sweat the small stuff that is of no eternal consequence….