Other than little children, who haven’t been immobilized by fear?

Fear of what could happen. Fear of what ifs. Fear of the future…

Have you stayed wide awake at night thinking of all the what ifs? And you felt it in the pit of your stomach?

I said, “Other than little children,” that is. Why is it that little children do not grow fearful of the future?

Simply because they know that as long as their parents are around, they will be fine. In other words, they trust their parents to take care of their future.

Therefore, the opposite of fear or worry is trust.

Ps 56:3-4
3 When I am afraid, I will trust in you.
4 In God, whose word I praise,
in God I trust; I will not be afraid.
What can mortal man do to me?

And how can we trust this God? This God not only created the universe, but keeps it going. He micromanages. He knows every little detail of every one of our lives.

A dead raccoon you saw on the way to work this morning? God knew that would happen… (Not even a sparrow would fall to the ground apart from God’s will. Matt. 10: 29)

Trust in God.

Who else would you trust? Yourself?