By now, you have no doubt heard the news about the South Korean ferry full of high school students sinking off the coast. There are more than 270 still trapped in the cap-sized boat and chances of their survival are ever diminishing with passing time (Air pockets underneath the cap-sized ship are their only chance).

It is a tragedy of massive proportion to be sure, but one that could’ve been minimized. The ship took over 2 hours to capsize and there was enough time for most, if not all, students to escape to the sea and be rescued. However, they were told to stay put while the captain and his crew abandoned ship to be rescued! They were one of the first persons to be rescued!

As you can imagine, the Korean people are irate. The captain was supposed to be the last person to come out of the ship, after doing everything he can to rescue as many as people possible. But he came out before everyone else!

Aren’t you glad that our Captain is NOT like that?

He saw that our ship was sinking. And it wasn’t his fault to begin with. It was us who put holes on the ship’s walls and we were all doomed to death. However, our Captain left the safety of the control tower, came onto our ship, reassured everyone, then went to the outside bottom of the ship to lift it out of water, being crushed by the weight of it in the process…

“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.” 1 Peter 2:24

You were a dead man (woman).

You are only alive because of Him.

Now, let us live for Him.