Mark 14:37-Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Simon,” he said to Peter, “are you asleep? Couldn’t you keep watch for one hour?

If you ever experienced intense moments of heartache, sickness, or loneliness of some kind, and you desired support from a person and just couldn’t find any, such moments make the suffering extremely intense. Because many times just being there for someone can take away the burden of what you feel.

It’s ironic that at a time where Jesus must deny His flesh for the intense agony of the call and what He is about to endure, He finds His disciples at a time too weak in the flesh to even support Him.

This passage shows us that the intensity of our situations are met with a measure of grace, that sometimes people who try and deal with us don’t have the strength to endure with us.

At times like Jesus, suffering alone is evidence of the Lord gracing us to go through something that people cannot match in intensity, nor do I believe they are meant to. It is an opportunity to be in fellowship with the Son of God’s suffering to know that people can’t give what intense times call for, but only the Lord can.

So if you have been disappointed that you have not gotten the support you desired at intense times of suffering, maybe the Lord has made it so for the opportunity to come into fellowship with Jesus’ suffering and a deeper relationship.

In His Love, Ld