Psalm 143:9-10Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord!  I have fled to you for refuge! 10  Teach me to do your will, for you are my God!  Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground!

I wonder how many of us would say we know a person who is a true enemy?  An enemy in terms of someone who appears to be truly against us prospering in every way like Satan is.  Though we may recall people who act in such a way, the challenge is whether we allow that enemy to dictate our soul and cause great instability in our lives?
King David makes a plea to the Lord for deliverance from his enemies, but knows his responsibility is to worship by fleeing to God for protection and guidance. To affirm God as his refuge, David seeks direction from the Lord to do His will, and trusts the Holy Spirit to lead him into stability or “on level ground”.  
The implication is that his enemies have made him and the environment unstable, but David found stability inwardly through worship.  In seeking God for refuge David saw it as his responsibility to do His will, so the torment of instability would cease…(Jeremiah 6:16,1 John 4:16-21)
Now unlike David, we probably don’t have physical enemies who are literally looking to kill us.  So I challenge you to consider that the most consistent enemy we face everyday is our own mind and heart.  Instead of the security found in the presence of God for refuge, we can find ourselves flailing in our insecurities and sins, creating more instability with people we are called to unconditionally love. (Romans 7:21-25)
However, like David we are to find our “level ground” of stability inwardly, regardless if everyone/everything outwardly is unstable.  Such stability is a glaring testimony of “having a peace that passes all understanding.”  That truly trusting God will not look like being “tossed to and fro” by outward threats.  We really end up being our own worst enemy, when we allow any attack to lure us away from God, instead of retreating to Him. (Isaiah 33:5-6, Philippians 4:4-9, 1 Corinthians 15:58)
In His Love, Ld