Matthew 14:28-30-And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” 29 He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.” 

If you can recall when you committed your life to Christ, the experience started with a conviction from the Holy Spirit to open our eyes/heart to Christ and be drawn in surrender to His call of salvation.  It was obedience to that conviction/call from God that a supernatural experience with Him took place…(Ephesians 2:1-10)
So in the case of Peter, once he recognized Jesus, his heart’s desire led him to seek clarity that it was Him, as well as a conviction to be in His presence.  Jesus welcomes Peter’s conviction by commanding him to “come”, and his obedience led him to do the supernatural…
If we think about “who” Peter was focused on rather than “what”, it reveals that what is impossible to do is made possible when we embrace two things, before we dismiss what God may want us to experience.  First, Peter wanted clarity that it was Jesus, and secondly he wanted “a word” to be led by, or a conviction to do what He says…(Hebrews 11:1)

So like Peter, it’s a desire for God that all Christians have to want to see and hear from Him.  But also like Peter, what inevitably distracts our conviction to continue in the Word spoken, is to focus on “what” surrounds us instead of Who continually calls us to intimacy, clarity, and conviction to do what naturally would be impossible…(Romans 8:14-15)
For the sake of clarity and conviction to obey Jesus, ask yourself what is blocking me from recognizing Him/voice?  Because until we purify our hearts to see God, we won’t have the assurance to move with supernatural conviction.  Like Peter, we inevitably “sink” because we lose focus from the spoken Word because of what naturally surrounds us.  So God’s presence and voice becomes less clear, and we lose the conviction to keep walking in His supernatural grace. (Matthew 13:22, James 4:8)
Some things are so mundane that it takes supernatural grace just to endure it, while other things are so scary to face we know we need supernatural grace to overcome it.  Fight for clarity to see God, and obey what He reveals to see Him work supernaturally!-In His Love, Ld