Psalm 131:1,3-O Lord, my heart is not lifted up;
my eyes are not raised too high;
I do not occupy myself with things
too great and too marvelous for me...
3  O Israel, hope in the Lord
from this time forth and forevermore. 

One of the many practical outcomes of prayer is the privilege believers have to know the heart of God for our daily lives.  Prayer, being the opportunity to bring God and His order to our hearts, allows us to focus intently on what we can do by His strength, but also recognize what we cannot do because it’s too great and beyond us…
David in this sincere prayer brings his heart and eyes “down” to what is necessary.  That occupying himself with things without God, could result in his heart and eyes being “lifted up”, dismissing or taking on things that are beyond his capacity to handle, resulting in fear and worry, not the peace and true confidence God offers…(1 John 3:19-22)
I used to regulate this Psalm to the things I have in my heart that I desire to accomplish or see happen, but may not be God’s will for my life.  But I realize that it’s not just ambitions that can cause my eyes and heart to be lifted up, but occupying myself with what I have to do the next day/week/months ahead can be too great and marvelous for me!
Like David, the Lord calls us to a posture of humility that is not occupying itself with everything as if we are God, by ordering our life and trying to find peace in our own strength.  We generally have to learn this posture, by realizing through experience what we cannot handle, not occupying ourselves with things that are ordained for God and too great for us, such as true peace and outcomes.
Throughout the years God has humbled me in ways by presenting situations that I wouldn’t deem “too great”, until I prove it is!  In God’s heart towards us, He wants us to see our entire life as “too great and marvelous” to handle without Him.  Our lack of dependence reveals our pride, and usually it’s not until the situation reveals our inability and need, we’re open to choose David’s posture of humility, to hope in the Lord for everything. (Psalm 25:1-3, Philippians 4:19)
Continue declaring daily to the Lord, that all of life is too great and marvelous to handle without Him, it fights settling for comfort and living in anxious toil. (Psalm 127:1-2)-In His Love, Ld