Have you ever wanted your boss’s job? You believe that if you can just get to the top, you will be a lot freer and happier? But often, the opposite is true. The least “free” person is the president of the United States. Every minute of his life is scheduled. And he must watch every facial expression he makes since the world is watching. And every decision he makes, there are a thousand oppositions! 

But why is that everyone tries to get to the top? It doesn’t matter the culture or times. In Korea, it is perennially on the news of people in politics campaigning to get to the top, just like here. Why? What motivates them? I believe in most cases, sin! 

The original sin was that we wanted to take the place of God. We wanted to BE god. We wanted to be on top! And even now, we want to be our own boss and call our own shots, and we hate having people over us telling us what to do! Even in Christian world, people campaign to get to the top of the denomination board or the church (How many fights have there been over who should be in charge of a local church??) 

A christian desires to be on the bottom. He does not mind being anonymous and serving those around him. He’s at peace with himself since he has accepted the identity that God gave him (a child of God), therefore he does not need to prove himself by getting to the top. 

“You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. 26 It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant.” Matthew 20:25

Are you at peace with being identified with the lowly? Is your greatest identity being a child of God?