Exodus 30:15-16The rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less, than the half shekel, when you give the Lord’s offering to make atonement for your lives. 
The Lord makes no distinction of societal status by making the rich and poor be on the same level, because in essence they are!  Before the Lord money has no value, because we cannot “buy Him off”, being that He gives us the power to get wealthanyway…(Deuteronomy 8:18)
The regulation of the amount of money being contributed to the census tax, was because the only one who could truly pay a ransom for our sin was the atoning blood of Christ.  But the yearly atonement from the priest was “a shadow” of what Christ would come and do, stripping away any external value/status that makes the rich more valuable than the poor before God…(Hebrews 10:1)

God already knows our wealth or poverty, but is not going to allow His value system of grace/mercy, be based on what we think makes people valuable or not in society.  Rather the covenant that made them justifiable before God was going to be through blood, or in this case the blood atonement. (Exodus 30:1-10) 
So every time atonement would take place, there is a reminder of what unifies them.   That there is not one who contributed more than the other, thereby making one person more important than the next.  When it came to the atonement, the means God instituted for them to be pardoned of sin as a covenant community, was atoning blood.

So as a Christian, do you measure your value before God through the status you have achieved or not achieved in society?  The atoning blood of Christ puts us all in need of grace/mercy and unified through it.  To see our worth outside of  His blood, whether that is prideful boast in our achievements, or a feeling or unworthiness in regrets and failures, both reside in a system of worth that is outside of the covenant Christ died to institute, blood wrought grace and mercy.
Continue striving to find your worth and identity through the abundant grace and tender mercy of Jesus Christ, that none of us deserve yet humbly receive!-In His Love, Ld