Job 29:2-4“Oh, that I were as in the months of old, as in the days when God watched over me, 3 when his lamp shone upon my head, and by his light I walked through darkness, 4 as I was in my prime, when the friendship of God was upon my tent,

From time to time my wife will gather the kids around, and show them videos or pictures of when they were little.  I know she loves it because it kind of slows down how fast they’re growing up, but the kids enjoy it also because they don’t remember such times…
Reminiscing about good times I believe is a gift from God, to recognize His goodness in moments where hardship was present.  “Lifting” the good moments from the bad, to enjoy the nostalgia of the times I believe is healthy to do…  
However, some seasons can be very dark, and the goodness of God is what we need to recall in order to endure them.  Yet God doesn’t want us to remember just the times, because the world has times of God’s goodness “shined upon” them.  But for those times to ultimately point to Him and His faithfulness for deeper communion, when darkness overwhelms and the closeness of His presence seems lost…(Job 23:8-10, Matthew 5:45, Luke 6:35)
Job reminisces on a season of life, where the fellowship He shared with the Lord was not only precious, but the outcome of his life was bearing fruit upon those around him.  Yet now in a season of great pain and loss, he is “nostalgic” encouraging himself in the Lord.  Knowing that the times and seasons may have changed, the God he shared them with hasn’t…(Job 29:5-25, Hebrews 13:8)
Like Job, we should look at our “good seasons” not just as good memories but as God’s goodness, to either point us to a deeper communion with Him as believers, or open our eyes to true faith and salvation that those good times came from God!  Though Job reminisced about his good times with the Lord, it was his relationshipthat encouraged him to endure the tough times.  Counting God faithful to restore his joy and hope beyond good times and seasons, but to a greater degree of “friendship”, faith and love.-In His Love, Ld