Exodus 8:15But when Pharaoh saw that there was a respite, he hardened his heart and would not listen to them, as the Lord had said. 

For all us, the fight to be consistent may be the most “telling thing” about our brokenness from sin.  Having a proper view of ourselves as sinners saved by grace is important, because it informs us of our need to seek God and His grace/mercy, as we are constantly faced with our own frailties and weaknesses…
One of the more deceiving things about walking by sight instead of faith, is that we can think that everything is “good” as long as we can find relief or “respite” in our circumstances.  Thinking we can be casual and not need to put on the “armor of God” when we are at ease. (Amos 6:1, Ephesians 6:11-13
Pharaoh’s mentality gives us insight into how an unbeliever or our spiritual laziness can process life towards God.  As God is instructing Moses throughout the plagues, our “all-knowing” Lord was going to eventually drown the Egyptians in the Red Sea.  Yet Pharaoh lived unbelieving and hardened his heart to what the Lord was going to do, while Moses/Aaron lived by faith preparing for it…
Our desire to seek the Lord and walk by faith, is really the opportunity to prepare everyday for what God is doing and going to do.  To live like Pharaoh, is to only be responsive to God’s warnings when we see our circumstances being threatened, but then harden our hearts to His voice when they are back to relief, respite, or ease…(Hebrews 3:15)
God desires us to go beyond a “fire-alarm response” to Him, because such responses don’t reveal true faith or relationship.  In the days of “respite” are the days to build upon “the Rock” out of reverence and love.  Because eventually “storms” will come to test our faith, and prove whether we have been living for our own comfort, or living by faith to be preserved like Moses/Israel for God’s purpose. (Matthew 7:24-27, 2 Corinthians 13:5, Hebrews 11:7)
Continue fighting spiritual lethargy for the sake of being prepared to endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ!-In His Love, Ld