Would you let your parents choose a mate for you? I know it is laughable, but in biblical times, that is often how a mate was chosen. The times that a young man chose his own mate, he usually chose wrong. 
When Isaac was of marrigeable age, his father, Abraham, chooses his wife for him (Gen. 24). When Esau was left to choose his own wife, he chose wrong. So did Samson. So did many of the kings of Israel… 
Am I now advocating arranged marriages? Actually, that wouldn’t be bad. But at the least, I am advocating that we should listen to the advice of the elders. If our parents do not approve of a partner, for example, we should think twice of marrying that person. This takes humility on the young person’s part to acknowledge that wisdom usually comes to those who are more experienced with life (Not always, I know, but usually especially if they are followers of God)
Don’t be so quick to adopt the latest trends and ways of doing things. Don’t always listen to your peers. They haven’t had enough time to prove themselves to be right or good.