Genesis 22:12He said, “Do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him, for now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me.” 

If someone asked, how do you know that you really fear God?  How would you explain that to them?  The popular answer could be to list the things you have done in the past, your moral convictions that agree with scripture, or you’re faithful to your church and serving in it…
Such things are popular signs that we have a “reverence” for God from the outside world and even church goers.  But the question asked, should make us go to such an intimate place to search our hearts daily and consider, what gives me assurance that I revere and worship the Lord Jesus Christ? (Hebrews 10:22)
In the famous passage above, Abraham was called to sacrifice his son Isaac, who he had waited 100 years to have with his wife.  Now finds himself having to prove his faith with an act unthinkable for our minds to conceive.  Yet out of fear of the Lord and ultimate trust in the voice of God, Abraham prioritized God over what God blessed him with…
It wasn’t until Abraham acted by faith to do the “unthinkable” out of obedience, that the angel came down and assured Abraham, that he did fear the Lord and affirmed him as righteous!  Though such an act for us to do, is not the point.  The point is that we don’t know whether we are sure we fear the Lord until we prove to obey what He says.  To put off obeying what we are told to do, reveals our heart, and lacks reverence to worship in that moment…(Galatians 3:6, James 4:17)
That’s why intimacy with Jesus from faith and obedience, is what assures us that we revere the Lord.  That it doesn’t matter if we commend ourselves, or other people commend what they know us.  The reality is that moments with God are extremely private.  They are opportunities to prove we worship Him, over whatever He is asking us to sacrifice for His glory.  Whether it’s a “small” thing like an attitude/act or a “big” thing like comfort, assurance comes from obedience and faith, to honor Christ who gave His life for ours.(1 Corinthians 4:3-5, 2 Corinthians 10:18, James 2:26)
It is a prayer for myself and for you, that Christmas be a reminder of Who you are living for, and living to reciprocate the sacrifice to obey what it cost, to have our hearts assured before our Lord and enjoy His promises-In His Love, Ld