We have witnessed in the last several weeks that one man can divide a nation and lead many who are otherwise decent and intelligent people to side with him, demonizing the other side. And this is true also from the other side of the party line as well! (After all, it takes two to tango…)
Never mind which side is right (for both sides firmly believe that they are). What I’m pointing out is the fact that one man can cause such division in the most powerful and advanced nation in the world. This makes the Anti-Christ that the Bible speaks of who will lead astray vast majority of the world in the end very much plausible. 
Many bible scholars (not all) agree that in the end, a charismatic political figure will earn the trust of the world and will lead them astray from the Lord. As I am witnessing the events unfold in the United States, I’m seeing the very possibility and even probability of this event happening as foretold in the Book of Revelation. 
“What is the source of wars and fights among you? Don’t they come from the cravings that are at war within you?… Adulteresses! Don’t you know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God?” James 4:2-4
We want the world’s approval. We want to be known and be loved by the people of this world. We want people to follow our Instagram and love our FB posts. We want our videos to go viral! We just want the world to recognize just how great we really are!
These are the makings of the coming of the anti-Christ. He will use these desires to play at our hearts and make us fall in love with ourselves. He will promise exactly what we desire, but in the end, we will become enslaved to HIS desires. 
“The greatest love of all is loving yourself” is a lie! Jesus never said it. The greatest love of all is God loving us by sending us His Son. The only right response is to take our eyes off ourselves and to look to Jesus.