Here’s a very sobering story I once heard. Little Bobby and Suzy met in the playground. Bobby was into playing cards and Suzy was into marbles. But when Bobby saw Suzy’s marbles, he really liked them. And Suzy really liked Bobby’s playing cards. So, they decided to swap. But they decided to swap not only what they had with them but all of it that are left at home. So, each went home to grab the rest of their items, and they were to meet back at the playground. Now, as Bobby grabbed all his cards from home to give to Suzy, a thought occurred, “If I kept back some of these cards, she will never know. I don’t have to give her ALL of my cards.” So, at the exchange, he gave Suzy most of his cards, but not all of his cards. But as he was coming home after receiving Suzy’s marbles, he thought to himself, “I wonder if Suzy gave me ALL of her cards?” 
Why did Bobby doubt whether Suzy gave him all of her marbles? Because he wasn’t completely honest with her. So, he questions whether she was completely honest with him. 
How we see others may be a reflection of ourselves more than a reflection of them. If we think everyone’s a cheat and a crook, it may be because we are so. 
“To the pure, everything is pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure.” Titus 1:15
Be innocent to evil things of this world. You don’t have to experience them to know that they are evil. It takes years to undo just several weeks of escapades.