There are certain things we must force ourselves to do. If we only did what our heart desired, it would kill us! That is because our heart is evil! 
The world tells us to follow our heart. We tell our children to do things only if they want to. This would be fine if our heart was a good guide. But it is most certainly not! If we followed our heart, we would be lazy, irresponsible, immoral, selfish, and downright sinful! 
Discipleship is disciplining our heart so that it will desire what it ought to desire. And to get there, we must often “force” ourselves to do things we do not want at the moment. But we do so anyway believing that it will eventually lead to greater joy! 
I hated reading books written in English when I first came to the States because I had to look up every other word in the English-Korean dictionary. But I kept doing the very thing I hated believing that it will eventually become easier and I might even enjoy it one day. And it did! And I’m thankful that I didn’t give up. 
So is spiritual discipline. It is hard, but it will pay handsome dividends if we kept on. 
“All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness,” 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Do hard things. You will know greater joy!