Psalm 17:1,3Hear a just cause, O Lord; attend to my cry!  Give ear to my prayerfrom lips free of deceit!…3 You have tried my heart, you have visited me by night, you have tested me, and you will find nothing; I have purposed that my mouthwill not transgress.If we were asked what motivates us to listen intently to other people, it would probably depend on who is talking?  The range of people we come in contact with, usually decides whether we are listening from our heart or just our heads.  For example, at a job we likely default to our “minds” in order to do what is required, instead of our hearts in trying to preserve a relationship…
But for Christians, I believe it is God’s design that we have a heart that is first engaged with Him to “set the tone” for a day of talking and listening.  Prayer is designed for us to pour out our hearts before God, but that should be predicated on having a desire to walk closely with Him from listening, not just talking…(John 15:7, James 1:19-20)
This is one way personal prayer becomes something we drift away from, if listening in obedience to please God is not in the framework of “praying”.  We have all experienced people who have no problem talking and dictating, yet have a huge problem listening.  That dynamic does not cultivate intimacy within a relationship, but distance, on a one way street of servitude…
Notice in the Psalm, David pleads for God to listen to him, but it’s predicated on him striving to live close to God’s heart.  David is dealing with his sin, which tells God he is not only interested in “petitioning” but listening to obey, in a relationship of faith to please Him.  (Hebrews 11:6, James 4:8)
In any relationship, if we do more talking and dicating than listening, can we be confident people feel close to us, or are just around to serve us?  Of course it doesn’t mean we have to fulfill everything expressed, but “being heard” does communicate we care to know their heart.  The Lord meant prayer to be a means to care more about what He desires, in changing our hearts through listening (obey), even after pleading with Him. (Psalm 37:4)

Challenge yourself after petitioning God in prayer, how quick are you to listen to His heart in response?  It’s a frustrating relationship if neither you or the Lord feel like they are being heard…-In His Love, Ld