I have a different perspective on America than most people who were born and raised here. For the first 14 years of my life, I grew up only hearing about America from far away. To me, America was heaven on earth. It’s a place where people were giants, beautiful, and everything in it was ideal. 
And when I finally came here in 1984, nothing dissuaded me otherwise. Indeed, the people were giants. At 6 feet tall, I rarely saw anyone taller than me in Korea, but in Minnesota, where I lived for one year, I felt short. And with blond hair and blue eyes, they were beautiful. And the paved roads everywhere and the sheer variety of automobiles on them told me that this is a wealthy country. I was proud to be living in this country. And my friends in Korea were envious of me! 
But now, America is dying. Walk the streets of Seattle. There is a recent documentary titled, “Seattle is dying.” I watched similar reports of Los Angeles. And when I was walking the streets of New York last month, I saw people living like animals…
Homelessness. Drugs. Crime. Homosexuality. Racism. Addictions of every kind. I doubt Sodom and Gomorrah were worse… 
Why? But more importantly what is the remedy? The politicians and talking heads debate ad nauseam about law and policy changes. But simply changing the externals will never bring about the true change. Giving clean clothes to a dirty person will only make the clothes dirty and not make the person clean. It has to happen from within. The heart change has to accompany physical changes. 
We have forgotten God. That’s the why. 
“If disaster comes upon us, the sword, judgment, or pestilence, we will stand before this house and before you – for your name is in this house – and cry out to you in our affliction, and you will hear and save.” 2 Chronicles 20:9It is NOT up to the Christians to change a nation. It is not the responsibility of the church to save a nation. [The early church was never given the task of saving the nation Israel from moral depravity] However, it is the Christian’s task to be the salt and light of the world. And It is increasingly becoming “easier” to be that since it’s becoming darker and darker around us. 
Do your part to help this dying nation. Turn to God. Stay with Him. Then, bring as many of the dying to Him as you can.